Sunday, 30 March 2014

RIP version 1.0
Succumb to physics and poor piloting skills, too fast in a dive and couldn't pull out.
Ideally I should have pulled back on the throttle but the limited control throws and flexible foam control surfaces didn't help.

I decided not to resurrect it even though it was fully repairable because it's now served it's purpose about how easy these depron planes fly.  Next step is a more scale approach with the following design upgrades :

  1. Faster motor for more thrust.
    The scale approach will add much more drag and therefore needs more punch to keep in going.
  2. Easy, 1x touch interchangeable motor.
    For trailing multiple power plants and props.
  3. Rigid construction.
    More use of carbon fibre, balsa and coverings to support the depron frame to increase strength and control surface rigidity.  Control surfaces are also going to be made from stronger materials.
  4. Uprated electronics and controls.
    Installation of UBEC to provide power if the speed controller fails.
    Metal geared servos for precise control.
    Option to be gyro stabilised.
  5. Control surfaces.
    As fore mentioned these are going to be much stiffer and include a full rudder and developed working canard control.
  6. Use of developed KF aerofoil.
    Transit from flate plate, to KF4 in order to understand the impact on the model's flight performance.
  7. Large, unhindered and quick change internal carrying capacity.
    Ability to easily change the CG and install components such as auto pilot, and cameras / sensors.

Thursday, 27 March 2014

Wing Trials...

Playing around with the Horton wing today and wondered if I could skin the aerofoil instead of using a KF foil.  My drama with the KF is that the Horton wing is quite narrow, too many steps in the foil will cause a lot of drag and also interfere with the control surfaces.

A flying wing must have the centre of gravity and turning moment infront of the main body of lift to maintain stability.  This causes a nose down attitude, therefore most wings have a slight 'up elevon' control to keep the tail down and the wing level.  The Hortons used a reflexed aerofoil shape which is a lot more efficient.

My concern with the KF foil wing was that the coarse steps would interfere with the control surfaces too much and require them to be overly large and therefore too twitchy to control whilst causing un-necessary drag.

As can be seen below, by adding a simple balsa spar at 30% chord, a 3mm sheet of depron can be forced over the plan and create a near perfect reflexed and semi-symmetrical aerofoil - this is something I am definitely going to persue over the KF foil !

Wednesday, 26 March 2014

Stage 1 - Preliminaries...

This will be my first flying wing, it's primary function is to act as a test bed for development.  There are a few types of flying wing platform to chose from, I have decided to go for the swept wing as it mirrors the Horton's aircraft but also I believe it is the easier and most aesthetic one to use.

File:Horten Ho IX line drawing.svg 

Next thing to consider is construction.  I want simplicity and ease of repair / modification and the only aerofoil to use here is the KF (Kline–Fogleman) type that uses a series of steps in the basic form to create a rudimentary aerofoil shape.  These are idea for small, light model aircraft as they word well and are extremely easy to make.

The shape I am opting for is a KFm-3, this type gives me a nice thick wing to play with with a decent shape.  It is non symmetrical because I have no intention to do full aerobatics, but the lower section should help flow around the leading edge during pitch up.

Power will be from a centre 6" pushing propeller, and the control will be from 2x mixed elevons.  These elevons will have a slight upward angle to provide a level of effective 'washout' to the wing.  This is essential to maintain control of the wing in the event of a deep stall and on landing.

Because fine control is needed with a flying wing, a fair bit of reinforcement will be employed...

Flying wing design...

I've always been fascinated by pre World War 2 designs that were carried out by Russian and German aviators of the time.  I am a big aerodynamics, delta wing and efficiency enthusiast - so one simply cannot ignore the Horton brothers, who to my mind did something as incredible as the Wright brother's first flight.

In 1933 they became synonymous with the flying wing, an aircraft with no fuselage, tail or rudder - just a wing.  The idea was to make an efficient glider, so they came up with the concept of removing anything on the aircraft that did not contribute to lift, this cuts down drag by a large degree making for a better glider.

In order to do this the wing has to be perfectly balanced and controlled, something that wasn't easy without complex calculations and systems for the time.  However it was achieved by using an unconventional swept back wing and shaping of the wing aerofoil to create a stable craft.

The sweep allowed for some directional stability now the conventional rudder had been removed, and the due to the wing angle, the control surfaces were sufficiently aft of the centre of gravity to be a useful pitching moment (negating the need for the tail section).

Just before the war's end in 1945, the Horton 229 was the first jet powered flying wing and could have been very influential had it entered service, not only was it fast and long ranged, but it's radar cross section / signature was low - the Hortons had unwittingly also created the first stealth aircraft !

The prototype was captured by American soldiers and taken stateside after the war, it is largely though to have been used along with Jack Northrop's designs as the basis for the B-2 Spirit bomber.

With the need for more efficiency and less pollution pushing aircraft design, I can see this sort of thing being developed more and more, something that has largely only been possible due to the advent of advanced computer control for the complex flight surfaces.

This is my homage to the fathers of the flying wing...

Sunday, 16 March 2014

Derpon Eurofighter, first flight...

At last I have the chance to fly the 'Eurofighter' I made about 6 months back !
It's a simple profile parkjet made from 6mm depron foam and all in all cost about £50 to make.
What's nice is this is the first scratch built plane I have ever made, and it flies beautifully.

Flight videos :


Some photos :

Essentials :
1500kv motor and 6x5 propeller running from an 11.1V LiPo
Aerofoil is a simple flat plate at a slight positive angle of attack

As a basic fun jet it flies very stable and predictable, however the power : weight ratio is about 75% what it should be, and the control surfaces are not man enough to turn this aircraft sufficiently.  This is partly because depron foam is only semi-rigid and warping occurs when large control throws are input.

Clearly the aircraft needs more power as it just cannot complete a loop without entering deep stall.  The control surfaces also need to be of wooden construction in my opinion for sharper control, other than that it is spot on for gentle park flying.

Version 2 will have a lot of extra modifications !