Wednesday, 26 March 2014

Stage 1 - Preliminaries...

This will be my first flying wing, it's primary function is to act as a test bed for development.  There are a few types of flying wing platform to chose from, I have decided to go for the swept wing as it mirrors the Horton's aircraft but also I believe it is the easier and most aesthetic one to use.

File:Horten Ho IX line drawing.svg 

Next thing to consider is construction.  I want simplicity and ease of repair / modification and the only aerofoil to use here is the KF (Kline–Fogleman) type that uses a series of steps in the basic form to create a rudimentary aerofoil shape.  These are idea for small, light model aircraft as they word well and are extremely easy to make.

The shape I am opting for is a KFm-3, this type gives me a nice thick wing to play with with a decent shape.  It is non symmetrical because I have no intention to do full aerobatics, but the lower section should help flow around the leading edge during pitch up.

Power will be from a centre 6" pushing propeller, and the control will be from 2x mixed elevons.  These elevons will have a slight upward angle to provide a level of effective 'washout' to the wing.  This is essential to maintain control of the wing in the event of a deep stall and on landing.

Because fine control is needed with a flying wing, a fair bit of reinforcement will be employed...

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