Sunday, 16 March 2014

Derpon Eurofighter, first flight...

At last I have the chance to fly the 'Eurofighter' I made about 6 months back !
It's a simple profile parkjet made from 6mm depron foam and all in all cost about £50 to make.
What's nice is this is the first scratch built plane I have ever made, and it flies beautifully.

Flight videos :


Some photos :

Essentials :
1500kv motor and 6x5 propeller running from an 11.1V LiPo
Aerofoil is a simple flat plate at a slight positive angle of attack

As a basic fun jet it flies very stable and predictable, however the power : weight ratio is about 75% what it should be, and the control surfaces are not man enough to turn this aircraft sufficiently.  This is partly because depron foam is only semi-rigid and warping occurs when large control throws are input.

Clearly the aircraft needs more power as it just cannot complete a loop without entering deep stall.  The control surfaces also need to be of wooden construction in my opinion for sharper control, other than that it is spot on for gentle park flying.

Version 2 will have a lot of extra modifications !

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