Sunday, 30 March 2014

RIP version 1.0
Succumb to physics and poor piloting skills, too fast in a dive and couldn't pull out.
Ideally I should have pulled back on the throttle but the limited control throws and flexible foam control surfaces didn't help.

I decided not to resurrect it even though it was fully repairable because it's now served it's purpose about how easy these depron planes fly.  Next step is a more scale approach with the following design upgrades :

  1. Faster motor for more thrust.
    The scale approach will add much more drag and therefore needs more punch to keep in going.
  2. Easy, 1x touch interchangeable motor.
    For trailing multiple power plants and props.
  3. Rigid construction.
    More use of carbon fibre, balsa and coverings to support the depron frame to increase strength and control surface rigidity.  Control surfaces are also going to be made from stronger materials.
  4. Uprated electronics and controls.
    Installation of UBEC to provide power if the speed controller fails.
    Metal geared servos for precise control.
    Option to be gyro stabilised.
  5. Control surfaces.
    As fore mentioned these are going to be much stiffer and include a full rudder and developed working canard control.
  6. Use of developed KF aerofoil.
    Transit from flate plate, to KF4 in order to understand the impact on the model's flight performance.
  7. Large, unhindered and quick change internal carrying capacity.
    Ability to easily change the CG and install components such as auto pilot, and cameras / sensors.

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